As we wrap up 2023, we’re looking back on a great year’s worth of learning and connecting with many of you. 

This year, we deepened our work with three national intermediaries working across 20 career-connected learning sites to launch social capital pilots. Our partnerships with Education Strategy Group, Generation Schools Network, and Hawaii P-20 yielded 10 key lessons in piloting social capital initiatives within career pathways. We also partnered with AIR to conduct a developmental evaluation, analyzing student and staff data on what tools, resources, and supports could yield successful implementation at scale.

Although I’ve spent years endeavoring to document the work and voices of early innovators, this project was exciting in its scale and scope. It’s proof of how social capital research is social–it requires a community of bright, humble, and dedicated people who work tirelessly to deepen and diversify students’ networks. 

That community is also critical in strengthening our ongoing efforts to distill and disseminate what we’re learning across the field. This year, we’ve had the chance to speak with and spotlight entrepreneurs, educators, researchers, and advocates, and update our “Missing Metrics” report with new analysis of emerging research and a fresh look at sample social capital survey items in the field as a result. Check out the resources below for a look back at some of those conversations and publications.

Conversations in the field:

Writing & analysis: 

Thank you for following our work and building the field alongside us. We look forward to continuing this critical work in 2024!


  • Julia Freeland Fisher
    Julia Freeland Fisher

    Julia Freeland Fisher leads a team that educates policymakers and community leaders on the power of Disruptive Innovation in the K-12 and higher education spheres through its research.