Submitted by Tom Willis, CEO
Note: The information in this profile represents SY2012-13 unless otherwise indicated.

School/organization overview

Name Cornerstone Charter Health High School
Type Charter School
Locale Urban
Headquarters Detroit, Michigan
First year of operation SY2012-13
Grades served 9
Enrollment 75
% FRL 75%
% Black or Hispanic 99%
Per-pupil funding $7,110

School/organization background

History and context
Health care has replaced the auto industry as Michigan’s job leader and nationwide, health care jobs are booming. With the opening of Cornerstone Health High School, Cornerstone Charter Schools hopes to respond to that need while creating a unique high school experience that helps students understand how their studies will translate into real-world occupations.

The goal at Cornerstone Health High School is to graduate accomplished and proficient students who continue to college or choose to pursue health related positions immediately after high school.To reach this goal, administrators aren’t just rethinking the traditional school schedule, they’re getting rid of it by implementing a unique blended-learning experience for students.

Blended-learning program

Name Cornerstone Charter Pod Model
Focus General
Year launched SY2012-13
Outside investments/grants $500,000+
Enrollment 75
Blended grades 9
Blended subjects Math, English Language Arts, History/Social Studies, Science, Foreign Language, Electives
Content Apex Learning, Compass Learning
SIS PowerSchool
Independent LMS BrainHoney
Independent gradebook None
Independent assessment  Acuity, MasteryConnect
Professional development EdElements

Program model

Program model: Flex

Model description
Students work through personalized online content with as-needed help provided by certified teachers.

Program description

Student experience
There are no individual classrooms and instructors for core content areas at Cornerstone Charter Health High School. Instead, “pods” of 75 students work in a large open space in individual cubicles where they access personalized online content. Classrooms and discussion areas are used for small-group work, project-based learning, and direct instruction from certified teachers, as needed. Without a strict schedule, students can create their own learning paths based on their individual passions and goals.

At the time of this writing, Cornerstone Health High School has been operating for less than one month. As results are available, this profile will be updated.

Students entering Cornerstone Health High School were tested  before school started, and results indicated that these 9th graders read on average at a 6th grade level. Administrators at Cornerstone Health High School have a goal for all their students to read on or above grade level and to score a 21 on the ACT.

Contact information

Name: Tom Willis
Title: CEO
Phone: 248-439-6229


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