Health care executives know that how they get paid is evolving. And as part of the pressure to move towards value, they are seeking to address drivers of health (DOH) – also known as social determinants of health – as part of their care models.

But what leaders may not know is that trying to address DOH from within their current business models will be a harsh lesson in failure. To ensure today’s health care organizations thrive in the future, they’ll need to completely redesign their business models, not just their profit formulas. Thankfully, leaders of traditional organizations can learn from early innovators’ approaches.

This infographic summarizes the secret sauce behind how innovators are transforming the industry.

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  • Ann Somers Hogg
    Ann Somers Hogg

    Ann Somers Hogg is the director of health care at the Christensen Institute. She focuses on business model innovation and disruption in health care, including how to transform a sick care system to one that values and incentivizes total health.