Last month I joined Marion Spears Karr on the Healthcare Thought Leadership LinkedIn Live show, where we discussed the role business models play in an organization’s ability to address drivers of health. Check out this video link to learn more about the following…

  1. How we define business models and how to they work in health care
  2. What business model components help organizations effectively address drivers of health, improving health outcomes, health-related quality of life, and reducing costs of care
  3. Innovators making a positive impact within this sphere, and the business model lessons we can learn from them

If you watch the show, I’d love to hear your thoughts.


  • Ann Somers Hogg
    Ann Somers Hogg

    Ann Somers Hogg is the director of health care at the Christensen Institute. She focuses on business model innovation and disruption in health care, including how to transform a sick care system to one that values and incentivizes total health.